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Public Relations Methods


Writing for PR


Directions Home is a plan set by Tarrant County Board of Coalition to end Homelessness in Fort Worth.  I acted as a PR Practitioner to produce documents for the organization





Public Relations Case Studies


Developing Measurable Goals and Strategic Plans for PR

Texas Parks and Wildlife was facing a crisis in which there were not enough visitors to the park to produce revenue. My task was to produce objectives and programming tactics that could help the organization raise awareness and attention.

BlendTec had much success with its social media fad from the "Will it Blend" videos, but with many other social media trends going "viral" and stealing its spotlight, BlendTec needed a solution to revamp its presence on social media.  My task was to create a strategic plant to help this company remain relevant.

Strategic Social Media 


 Links coming soon :)

Developing Social Media Strategies 

My client for the semester is a non-profit organization called Afiya which specialized in women’s' sexual liberation and HIV awareness.  This organization is seeking guidance in a social media awareness plan to promote their message and mission.

Developing a Social Media "Takeover"

My team’s task will be to conduct a "takeover" on social media sites Facebook and Twitter to promote our class. We will be required to find appropriate audiences and craft messages that best fit their interest and attention.

Blog Entries

Writing blog entries for Social Media Delivered had the main objective to present the agency as thought leaders for social media marketing to businesses.


 To see more or discuss possible work >>
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